


Today, over seventy five years after the founding of the company, East Bay Fixture Company is still guided by the Laible family, by their commitment to quality, and their dedication to "Traditional Service Since 1923".

Whether supplying individual point-of-purchase fixtures, single department remodels, or full store fixture installations for a new location, East Bay Fixture Company prides itself on providing outstanding traditional service combined with unequaled quality, and all at a very competitive price.

Work shop

Rick Laible portrait sm
Richard Laible





In 1923, when Albert Laible and Peter Lammers decided to open a business manufacturing checkstands, display shelving and refrigerated fixtures for the newly emerging supermarket industry, Albert and Peter's primary objective was to provide the type of personal service so common then.

Because of the quality built into their fixtures, and with service as their byword, the "Reliable" line sold well, even through the Depression. distinctive logoDuring the war years East Bay Fixture Company successfully converted production from products for the domestic market to products for the war effort. With conversion to the manufacture of refrigerated walk-in boxes for both aboard-ship and field use; Albert and Peter's motto of "Traditional Service" became "Service to Country."

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